


Police calls for proper car parking Ojcow National Park

The police are appealing to all those coming to the Ojców National Park to park their cars in places permitted for this.

For a long time in Ojców and Pieskowa Skale the police have intervened in the subject of incorrect parking of vehicles, in particular in the area of ​​the Ojców National Park. More and more reports of incorrect parking of vehicles in the Ojców National Park are received at the Police Station in Skala. They concern the non-compliance with signs prohibiting parking, placing entrances, parking vehicles on sidewalks, which significantly hinders daily functioning of residents. An additional, and even the most important, problem posed by improper parking in this area is the fact that emergency services are often prevented from traveling to people in need of help. In addition, vehicles parked on bans contribute to the destruction of nature.

Such reports are sent to the Police by phone, via e-mail and the "National Maps of Security Threats." In addition, residents submit notifications of committed offenses, including photographs taken, at one intervention reported by police officers reveal from several to a dozen or so incorrectly parked vehicles.

In this situation, the tasks of the police officers who serve in the area of ​​OPN are to ensure traffic flow on the road and passability of the poviat road and not allow vehicles to be parked near the Chapel on the Water, the area of ​​the Ojców intersection and the road towards Zlote Góra. However, it should be noted that parking in the vicinity of the aforementioned chapel is allowed. Unfortunately, drivers do not use the available parking spaces for their own convenience, and wanting to get to the OPN center, they park vehicles along the road and other places that are not allowed. It should also be remembered that taking consequences, after numerous reports on incorrect parking, requires a lot of police officers who, instead of enforcing the law in this area, could provide help and safety in other areas of the city of Skała and subordinate communes.

In the case of vehicle drivers, which the police officers find on the spot are imposed fines or requests to the court to punish (the court may impose a fine of up to 5000 zlotys). Not only can you receive a fine for improper parking, it may also result in your vehicle being towed away at the expense of the owner.

We would like to inform you that in the area of ​​the Ojców National Park you can park only in designated parking lots. It is recommended that when visiting the Park leave the car in the parking lot at the campsite on Złota Góra. This car park has over 200 parking spaces. The crossing from this parking lot to the center of Ojców takes about 20 minutes. (black trail, next to the "Zosia" tourist house) or about 40 min. Dolina Sąspowska (the trail is initially green, then yellow). In the Park there is also a car park in Pieskowa Skala, several of these facilities are also located in the buffer zone in the immediate vicinity of the Park.

Source: Provincial Police Headquarters in Krakow